Monday, February 7, 2011

Whoa Yarn!!

I finally got up the energy to completely unpack and organize. As my best friend is coming for her first ever visit to my apartment on Thursday (SO EXCITED!!!!) I kind of wanted it to be done and organized and looking nice and not like I just came back from a three week sojourn to New Concord.

The Sunday before I went home for those three weeks, a couple I'm friends with gave me this set of metal do-it-yourself cube shelves. Till today they just sat in a Sam's Club reusable grocery bag next to my tv. Then I had a stroke of genius.

So. Much. Yarn.

When I worked at the Friendship Preschool and Daycare I spent nap time crocheting blankets and hats... anything to keep my knees warm in that freezing cold room. So the administrator gave me two enormous boxes of yarn that used to belong to her late mother. More yarn than I will EVER use.

Hey, anyone want some yarn? There's more where this came from!

Someday I should probably get around to actually finishing something... There's half a scarf I promised Dad three years ago still waiting to be finished... Sorry Dad!

In any case, thank you thank you Jim and Angie for giving me these shelves! It made my apartment more colorful and gave me a place to put my planters from the funeral. AND for my twinkle lights!

Today kinda sucked. But doing this actually made my night. :)

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