Thursday, September 29, 2011


Remember this book?

Something about today reminded me of it for some reason.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blogger Epic Fail

I definitely wrote a post earlier this week (it might have been over the weekend... I forget) and it refused to post for some unknown reason and then deleted itself. Jerkface. So here I am catching all of you up on stuff that you could really care less about! Go me!

Married life, for some reason, really doesn't feel terribly different than pre-married life except now I live with Johnny and I didn't before. All of the house craziness has been slightly stressful but otherwise we're getting into a good rhythm and really starting to understand each other. At least, we are in my opinion.

Being home alone this late in this big house kind of creeps me out a little, even though we have neighbors that would definitely hear me if I screamed and might even come to help me out. I'm a little unsure of that last bit.

In other news, when I failed at posting a blog the other day I began to reread some of the old ones I wrote about my mom and, as usual, the waterworks began ever so slightly. Sometimes I'm still struck by the thought that I'll never see Mom again in this life and suddenly I can't breathe and the tears begin... but it's so much more rare than it used to be. Really I just think it's because right now is the beginning of the season of change. Fall is here, the temperatures are perfection in my humble opinion and I'm getting accustomed to the fact that I will never, ever be alone again (barring a horrible accident, which I prefer to not think about) and therefore nothing will ever be the same. Obviously there's nothing wrong with this, it's just a lot to adjust to while also being the most amazing adventure I have ever been or will ever be on.

So there's my current ramblings. When I have the good pictures I promise to post about the wedding and to introduce my husband (I REFUSE to call him 'hubby'. I personally feel that it's slightly demeaning and puts me in mind of an ice cream flavor, or some kind of marshmallow treat like Peeps, or the name of an oversized dog) and talk about the honeymoon!

Ciao friends!