Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Have A List in My Head.

Who else (in Ohio...) is thrilled about this lovely, 70-some degree weather? It's seriously making my world, especially since it means I don't need to use my air conditioner, which saves my electric bill.

My dad called in and rented the tables, chairs, and tent for our reception. EEeeee! We decided on a tent because we wanted an outdoor reception and it would be really complicated to try having a secondary location just in case without having to pay another fee. So with the tent we can have our reception outside whether it's rain or shine! Johnny and I finally pared down the guest list with the help of his Aunt Nancy, who is very straightforward. "That person wouldn't come, don't bother". It was amusing and helped SO much, so, thank you Nancy!

We also watched a video that accompanies the book we're working through for counseling. It's called "Saving You Marriage Before It Starts", and it's a wonderful book and a slightly cheesy video... It was recorded in the early 90s (you can tell by the fashion, lol) and the couple who lead it are very aware that they're in front of a camera... but that really doesn't change the effectiveness. I'd recommend this book/video/workbook to any engaged, newly wed or even married for awhile couple. It's pretty phenom.

Anyway, things are falling into place and it feels like time goes flying by! Yesterday marks one year of dating for us, and it's now less than three months till the wedding.
I actually went to bed at 9:30pm last night. I felt like I was in elementary school because it was still light out! However, I got up today at 5am as usual and felt pretty darn great! Perhaps I should go to bed at 9:30 more often!

I hope you all have a glorious day!
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