Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Strike That... reverse it...

My to-do list feels like it's just getting longer... and longer.... and looonnnngggeerrrr........

Today I checked one thing off my list: find an apartment in Cincinnati so I can move and start my new job. Check. Well, half check. I found a place that I like and I can afford, but they may not have any 1 bedrooms free until AFTER my first day at the new post. So they're going to let me camp out in a different apartment temporarily until mine is free and clean. This means lots of driving and transporting. (But the apartment is walking distance from the church I love down there. SCORE!)

So that's done. But now I have to get crackin' on the wedding plans. As much as I'd love to just go to the courthouse with close fam and get it over with, I really can't do that. People would be offended. And it wouldn't be any fun! So I have to call the church and find a reception hall, preferably before I move. Otherwise I have no idea how to begin planning a wedding. Any pointers??

Next, I have to pack all of my stuff. Easy enough, most of it is packed STILL and has been for the past year. But I've accumulated.

Christmas shop. I'm halfway done, gots lots more to buy still, and I'm then going to not buy anything for a very long time.

Figure how I'm going to go to Cleveland to meet with my aunt so she can meet my Clyde after I go to my best friend's bachelorette party in Columbus and make it back to Cincinnati in enough time to get some sleep before work Monday.

Find furniture. At this moment, I have a bed and a mattress, but no box spring (kinda important....), two bookshelves, a desk, and a TV stand. Oh, and a fake tree. I need a couch, a chair, a coffee table, another lamp, and a dining set, even if it's just a card table and folding chairs. Goodwill, here I come!

Finally got the bill for my surgery nearly two months ago, and I have to call them. I hate making phone calls.

Funeral tomorrow for my family doctor, who died suddenly on Monday. Canton on Saturday, Norton on Sunday to meet with possible minister for the wedding before driving to Cambridge for a bridal shower at 3pm. Work till Wednesday and help my mom scour the house so it's perfect for hosting Thanksgiving dinner on - duh - Thanksgiving.
And there's more but you're already bored and I'm getting stressed so I'm shutting it now.


Delirium said...

You're getting married?! That's exciting!

At least you HAVE a to-do list though. Lists always help, IMO. I wish you the best of luck getting all these things taken care of!

I wish I had tips on planning a wedding, but I have yet to do that myself... you should google it (never fails) :)

Emily B said...

Yup, getting married on 9/10/11! Seems like far away, but it's SO not!

See, till I wrote this post my list was all in my head! Really need to write it all down, might help. lol

Good plan! I'll do just that!

Second Year Math Teacher said...

Norton! My big lives in Norton! :)