Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I really need to learn that if I'm going to be reading anything for an extended period of time glasses must needs be involved. I'm so blurry...

Tonight's blog is a mishmash of shtuff (anyone else besides me love the Mutts comic?). I've been trying to keep myself entertained while also being creative. Not an easy mix in this technological age filled with Netflix and iTunes and DVDs and all of those other sources of instant-gratification that have invaded our way of life. To try combating this a little I took a quick trip to Hobby Lobby to obtain some yarn with which I made a hat for my stepmom! Two episodes of NCIS and it was basically done. Amazing what you can do with your hands when your mind is otherwise occupied...

Tonight I went to the community Thanksgiving service and I couldn't help but be dismayed by how few people attended. As the service ticked on I gazed around me at the age-old interior of the building, which is one of the oldest churches in town, and imagined an Anne of Green Gables type scenario. You know, back when nearly everyone attended church and the pews were full. Supposedly the Delta and Kianu sororities from Muskingum (College) University used to take up one full side of the three-sided balcony back in the day. Thinking this way didn't do anything but make me kind of sad and nostalgic, but that's typical so I got over it fairly quickly.

Tomorrow is Turkey Day! That day where the Indians were duped into thinking everything would be fine and dandy with these settlers just before more settlers came and killed off the "savages" with small-pox infested blankets and war. I highly doubt that the day after they broke bread together in peace was followed by a day where people trampled each other to death to get to the Black Friday sales-price iPods first. I, for one, don't understand the madness and avoid it all costs and am of the opinion that everyone else should too. Your five-year old will have broken it by Boxing Day anyway.

As it is, I am very much looking forward to the time off from work that I get to spend with people I like. And then spending three straight days with my beautiful almost six-months old niece! *sigh* What a lovely, stress-free holiday.

Happy Turkey, kids! Have a good one!

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