My Wedding Day!!!!
Today is the big day, folks! This is it! And I'm a mixture of excited, nervous, exhausted, elated, and a little disconnected, as I tend to not really believe something is happening until I'm immersed in it. Just like I don't believe that by this time tomorrow I'll be somewhere in West Virginia on our way to the cabin in Tennessee. Same thing happened when I took my 8th grade trip to D.C., the trip to NYC in high school, and just about any other major trip I've ever gone on for whatever reason.
It's so hard to believe that this is actually that big day. You know, the day that every little girl dreams of for just about her entire life. And now that this day is about to occur (and everything that I imagined in my head actually looks good when put together, which I was terrified it wouldn't) I have to wonder what I'll dream about next. Kids? Will that by my next big event? Or perhaps a move to a new place (again)? I guess time will tell.
All through this process I wished over and over in my head that my Mom was here. I had plenty of help from all kinds of wonderful people (one woman came over and washed, waxed by hand, vacuumed out and wiped down the inside of my car! It is now all ready for the 7 hour drive south) but it would be a perfectly great day if my Mom was there. She only made it to one of her daughter's weddings in person, but we believe she was and is there in spirit.
As it is, we'll see if I can actually sleep! Eeeeepp....