Monday, December 10, 2012

I've decided I need to write more.

Today I was thinking about the idea that "time flies". 

I remember when I was in elementary school and how long summer break always seemed. It was as though the summer dragged on forever, and eventually the boredom got so bad that I couldn't wait to go back to school. And of course once the school year started I was counting down the days until the next holiday and trolling radio stations for snow cancellations. Or how about waiting for lunch? The morning seemed to last forever, like lunch time would never come. 

Now I'm twenty-six and it is only fifty-five days (Johnny counted for me yesterday) until I turn 27. I know that the days until then will fly and suddenly I'll blink and I'm thirty. Time as a child and time as an adult are night and day. Just an hour ago I was finished with work and a little lightheaded because I hadn't eaten since lunch at 11-ish  and so I helped make some food for dinner. Later I was texting my husband, waiting for the potatoes to bake, and I realized that it was already 5-o-clock. I got off work at 4-o-clock. 

Holy time warp, batman! 

I wonder why it is that time goes so much slower for children? It really feels as though we're considered children for a very long time when, in reality, you're only a 'child' for eighteen years. You then spend the entire rest of your life, upwards of 60+ more years, as an adult! So perhaps that's the reason. Time goes slow for children so that they can enjoy that blink-of-an-eye moment as a child, while time goes fast for adults because really there isn't a lot about our lives that changes significantly, beyond getting married, having kids, watching those kids grow, reaching an age where you watch people die, and then eventually dying yourself. I know that I personally feel as though I spend most of my days slaving over a job that I've resigned myself to doing for a few more years yet and that most of my life revolves around that. Wake up, work, make food, hang with husband, pay bills, rinse, repeat. 

I know that seems cynical, but for all that my life is relatively boring at the moment, the days disappear faster than Superman (hero reference number two. Bam.)! I get worried that suddenly life will be over and nothing really happened. It's like what Robin Williams character quotes in Dead Poet's Society: "I went to the woods because I wanted to live life deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived."

I hope and pray that I, an absolutely all of you, find ways to really live life. As for me, I'm not always sure what 'living' really looks like. 

So anyway, now that everyone is thoroughly depressed, I end with a picture of a squirrel playing the banjo

and the first word that comes to mind.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Here's a New Blog Post! Yay!

I've been thinking for a few days now that I should write a blog. The problem is I have no idea what to write about. So let's discuss Christmas!

Every year for awhile now we've added new people to the family and it makes shopping just really difficult. Thankfully Johnny and I have managed to figure out a present for everyone except maybe the new niece. But she's easy, just go to Walmart and grab a toy and Bob's your uncle.

For everyone else we got -

Just kidding. I'm not telling.

I also need to shop for my husband, and let me tell you it's hard. Really hard! Basically every birthday and Christmas since we've been together I've gotten him a DVD of something because, well, that's just easy. But not terribly personal. And a little self-serving, since I'll use it too so who knows if my intentions were honorable. So this year I need to think of something completely fabulous. Something unexpected. Something that doesn't cost too much because let's be honest there's this little thing called a budget...

Hopefully inspiration hits soon. He already bought all of my presents.

And this is a pathetic blog post, haha. But really that's okay because not many people read it anyway and those that do are ones who know me and will probably laugh hysterically at my hidden sarcasm.

Everyone else? I'm not being sarcastic at all.

Happy Christmas, kids!