I'm a copycat. So it's my turn.
I'm Emily.

I don't do long walks on the beach, I hate the color pink, and there's a unicorn over there.
I'm weird. Like, super weird, especially when it comes to my sense of humor. It's just... no one gets it. And they think I'm mean. I'm really not, I promise!
Sarcasm just doesn't translate in text. And according to my finace, you never know if I'm being serious when I'm talking either.
Yup. I'm engaged! :D
This blog was actually started kind of a long time ago and really I used it to keep my family up-to-date on my life when I lived in Connecticut. So there are some really super effing long posts that I do not expect anyone to ever read. So don't bother, it'll probably just bore you.
I like to write, and I'm wordy (another family trait... blame my ancestors) but I have trouble being inspired. Hence the stealing of biscuit's idea.
Admittedly, I care far too much about how I look, mostly in terms of weight. Which is stupid, because I am perfectly normal and I like food, thank you very much.
Caffeine gives me panic attacks, so I don't drink soda or coffee and I can't eat chocolate. I'm also almost a vegetarian (I eat chicken sometimes).
I'm pale. But I discovered yesterday that I do not have ivory skin. I have alabastor skin. And I found makeup to match. This makes me almost stupidly excited.
Unlike a lot of people, I have NO IDEA what I want to be when I grow up. I'm 24. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Communications with minors in English and theater. Have I used any of it? Nope! Go me!
I love love love trivia. Trivial Pursuit is actually my favorite game, and I have at least three books of useless information.
Twitter? What's that? I Facebook. Feel free to become my friend. (www.facebook.com/emily.blood) But if you do, be sure to write a message to tell me who you are, otherwise I'll reject you.
Making friends is kinda easy for me. However, I have no friends within a 15 minute drive of my house. In fact, they're spread pretty much all over the U.S. and parts of Europe. In moving, I intend for that to change. We shall see.
I am of the opinion that I am very boring. I apologize if you think that's true.
MUSIC. I sing a lot, but usually when no one can really hear me. Solos make me nervous. My whole family is musical, and we sing the doxology in, like, twelve part harmony at our gatherings (reunions, Turkey Day, Christmas, etc). Maybe someday I'll figure out how to post a video of me/my family singing. We're pretty fantastical, if I do say so myself.
However, regardless of the above statement, I don't like Glee. Figure THAT one out.
I crochet. And knit. And sew. Be jealous.
Aaaaand I'm done. Have a great day.