Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shower Madness!

This past Saturday, July 30th, was the first of three showers being thrown for me. My bridesmaids took care of this one, and it was a literary shower!! The invitations were those little cards that used to be used at libraries when you checked out books, and everyone was given the option of bringing me a book along with whatever gift they got for me. I left with nine books, only two of which were books I already had so I'm REALLY excited to start reading! Of course, I left all the presents at my Dad's because there is absolutely no space here and no point in dragging everything here when I'm moving out in a month.

Eeee! I'm moving out in a month! Panic attack....

Anywho, I was unable to take any of my own photos for this shower so I had to steal from Facebook. The party was so much fun that neither girl took many pictures but you'll get the basic idea.

One of the games we played was a kind of story-telephone game. One sentence is written at the top of a piece of paper to begin the story, and the first person writes a sentence or two to continue it. Then, before passing the paper on, they fold back the top of the page to hide the original sentence, leaving only the sentence they wrote so the next person has only that sentence to go on. The results are hysterical, and therefore I will now post for your enjoyment the winning story of the day.

"Emily gets to the church for the wedding and the church door is locked.
Emily decided to break the lock with a hammer she keeps in her boot. The spider that was hiding in her boot-top crawled onto her wrist. Sinking its venom-filled fangs into her skin the spider took a last breath before his life was brought to a bitter end by Emily's hand. Quickly, Johnny knelt beside her and sucked the venom from the wound. At the sight of her own blood, Emily fainted. Forgetting that he was a prince, Johnny quickly picked her up and placed her tenderly in the glass coffin which conveniently was waiting in the next room. Unfortunately Johnny accidentally tickled Emily's foot and she kicked the glass with her heel and shattered the coffin. A circling group of bald eagles, alerted by the tinkling of broken glass, began dive-bombing Emily. Thunder crashed; lightning flashed across the sky! "Oh no!" said Johnny, "My temple underwear is showing!"

The End

 Me and my lovely bridesmaids! Much thanks for the two girls at either end, who were the main planners of this shindig!
 This is a little tradition my older sister picked up in Columbus and she has brought it to our family!
Jessie was kind enough to lend her living room for decorating purposes. I recognized it the moment I walked in!

Other than the story game we did a word search (first to find ten words yells bingo and gets a prize!), and "Who Am I?" where everyone has a character name taped to their back and can only ask yes or no questions to find out who they are. My friend Lindsey was Harry Potter and got hers in about three questions. I was Alice in Wonderland and was the very last to figure out who I was! The whole thing was great fun, and now I have two more to look forward to, one for each side of the family. 

But for now I get to type out labels, buy some stamps, and send out the invitations I went to pick up yesterday! Supposedly you're allowed one big mistake or every wedding won't be successful without one big mistake or something, and my one big mistake was originally telling my brother in law we needed a certain number of invitations and then when he called to confirm with me I told him that was the wrong number and we needed an extra hundred! Well.... he was right, I was wrong, and now we have a hundred too many invitations and are out about $100 of our budget. But it could be much worse! So! Five weeks to go!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Well it's about time.

I"ll start by telling you that yesterday was a terrible day all around. I won't make you miserable by listing all of the crappiness, but it was made a little better by eating a lovely dinner with my sister and brother in-law in Columbus last night. And then getting a great night's sleep. So!

Remember the exciting news I hinted at in my previous post? Well here it is. Are you ready?

Johnny and I are renting a house in Massillon, OH.

We have the keys and everything! Finally, after so many months of answering "We're not sure yet" we can give people a real, honest to goodness answer when they ask what our plans are! 

Really this house just fell into our laps at Johnny's family reunion a few weeks ago. His cousin's wife walked up to us and said, "Hey, heard you're looking for a place, I can hook you up, yo!" ... or something like that. Basically they own a house, they've rented it before, it has brand new carpet and cabinets and linoleum and a claw foot bath tub. It's not air conditioned but so what? It's only 10 minutes from Johnny's work and, as his cousin's wife is a bailiff, she's got major connections and said for me to shoot her my resume and she'll pass it around at work. There's a chance that I could keep my current job and work from home, but it's nice to have other options in case that one doesn't work out. 

No pictures of the kitchen because it's a giant mess right now. 
But that's my exciting news!! And the fact that my dad didn't make 'The Face' and start questioning my budget, the wisdom of this idea, whether we had really thought about it before making the decision, and then telling me I'm 25 and almost married and can make my own decisions (all of which usually tells me he thinks I'm making the wrong one) tells me that we have his blessing in this and I'm SOO glad! 

And now comes the work... over the next six weeks I will be packing up my apartment into boxes, filling up my car and driving to Massillon to toss it all into the house so that when the wedding comes all we have to get is my furniture and then most of the wedding money we're given will go to buying out my lease. But it will all be SO worth it!