That's it.
Only 26 days till I'm standing at the altar with my Johnny, and I have SO MUCH to get done. I don't think I have ever been this stressed, and honestly it's not stress about the wedding. Whether the decorations are done and perfect and the sanctuary looks nice and we actually get around to getting a guest book or not, the wedding will happen. Nothing will stop it.
No, my stress is due to my job, and to moving.
As boring as it is, I'd like to keep my job. I very much dislike job hunting so keeping the one I have would be ideal. However, to keep it I have to prove I can work from home and finish enough claims and do them all correctly. They're giving me two weeks to prove this, and it started last week so there's only three more days to prove I can. I'm trying very hard to think positive but there's a big part of pessimistic me that believes I'll be job searching this time next week.
And the keeping my job thing is due to my big move north to the house Johnny and I are renting. I'm slowly packing up my stuff and filling up my car and driving everything north weekend by weekend until it's all gone but the furniture and my clothing. As I own what Johnny considers to be a ridiculous number of books, this moving thing is going to take awhile. And then I have to figure out how to get all of the furniture north as well, since it definitely won't fit in my car. So the stress of moving on top of wondering if I get to keep my job on top of trying to get everything done for the wedding and trying to work out daily so I don't gain a million pounds from the stress...
I am very, very tired.
All of the stress compounded with not enough sleep and a job where I sit on my butt for ten hours a day means I am exhausted. Almost all the time. This time last year I was running up to two miles a day and working out daily and not driving as much and I lost a bit of weight even while sitting for 8 hours a day. The difference between then and now is that then I worked evenings and slept till I naturally woke up, giving me plenty of rest, and I made a point of working out every day (It helps to live in a small town where everything is in walking distance) and I rarely drove. Really I'm just looking forward to the end of this stress and the start of a new chapter. In 26 days everything changes, and not driving 7 hours every weekend is a major perk.
Okay. Now that my stress and exhaustion rant is over, I'm going to do a workout, update the RSVP list, and clean up the kitchen. Then, if I have enough time, I'll be grabbing boxes from the car and filling them up with books and stuff.
Wish me luck!
Ready, Set, Go!