This week is a rather boring one, moreso than usual, but even so I'm SUPER excited for this weekend. Johnny works all week instead of having Wednesday off as he usually does, so he has the full weekend to enjoy for once! And it just happens to be Muskingum University (*cough*College*cough*)'s Homecoming, so we're going to the parade on Saturday morning and then the game Saturday afternoon (I have never, ever, gone to a Muskingum football game in all the years I've lived here) and then we're getting all snazzied up and going out to dinner at Muddy Miser's in Zanesville! I bought a beauteous little black dress for way too much money that I cannot wait to wear. Knowing that he has talked to both of my parents and is already in possession of a ring I like to think Saturday will be a special day... but I'm not counting my chickens. Much. ;)
Today is the most beautiful breezy fall day so I took the opportunity and drove my car on some back roads to places where I know I can see for miles and miles and took pictures. Now, I'm a terrible photographer, I admit it, but I like to take pictures anyway.
I just wish all trees changed color at the same time so that there wouldn't be so much green at first and there would be less bare trees when there IS color. If that made sense.
PLUS Johnny and I took a little trip to Historical Zoar, OH, on Sunday. It's right down the road from his church and houses The Tavern, which has some rather tasty food and is where we had lunch.
Walking around after that was a little tough for me, but I'm stubborn and limped around anyway. In some ways it felt like a mini-vacation, and I love love love historical stuff. Plus we ran into a fellow Muskie and got to catch up!