A = Available - Not at all! Yay engaged-ness to the best guy ever!
B = Best Friend - My best friends (yes, plural. My survey, deal with it!) are Jessie, June and Johnny! Wow, lots of J's...
C = Cake or Pie - hmmm.... to be honest, probably pie.
D = Drink of Choice - either plain old ice water or lemonade
E = Essential item you use every day - my phone. Many many times a day.
F = Favorite color - There was once a time when I liked all colors and didn't have a favorite. However, i have recently decided I'm madly in love with purple.
G = Gummy Bears or Worms - neither. Gummies hurt my teeth.
H = Hometown - New Concord (or Conquered, however you believe you need to pronounce it) Ohio, y'all!
I = Indulgences - homemade banana cake. Mmmm....
J = January or February - February by a long shot! It's my birthday month, it's over fast, it means winter is even closer to being over, and I will hate January forever from this year on.
K = Kids and Names - I don't have any children yet, but when Johnny and I get busy we like Liam and Ellen Joy for our hypothetical children.
L = Life is incomplete without? - family. When friends fail you, you have your family always. At least, you do when you have a family like mine.
M = Marriage Date - September 10th, 2011
N = Number of Siblings - 3 sisters, Erin, Jennie and Anne, 2 brothers in-law Derrick and Jarrod, and a really close friend I call my brother, Caleb. :)
O = Oranges or Apples - apples. Love love apples, apple cider, apple juice, apple pie, caramel apples....
P = Phobias or Fears - Trypanophobia, also known as the fear of needles.
Also, just for giggles... Nomophobia - the fear of being out of mobile phone contact, and Anatidaephobia - the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.
Q = Favorite Quote - "...it was written I should be loyal to the nightmare of my choice." ~ Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness. How profound is that???
R = Reason to Smile - Well, A. it is almost Friday and it's a Canton weekend which means B. I get to see Johnny in roughly 28 hours! And C. the weather is gorgeousness. :)
S = Season - fall.
T = Tag 3 or 4 people - meh. No thanks.
U = Unknown Fact about me - I wish I could run a marathon. Seriously! It'd be amazing to have that kind of stamina, plus it would mean I'm in rockin' shape.
V = Vegetable you don't like - Uh...... I'm pretty sure there's no such thing.
W = Worst Habit - don't be grossed out, but I tend to pick at stuff... nail polish... scabs... dead skin... yeah, you're grossed out. Sorry!
X = X-Rays - Mouth, knees. The dentist takes them once a year, and my poor knees were x-rayed back in September and the results took away my running happiness.
Y = Your favorite food - quite honestly, my little sister makes these amazing sour cream mashed potatoes, and she made a whole bunch for me when I had surgery and I literally ate them every day and probably could eat them every day for my entire life.
Z = Zodiac sign - Aquarius, though i don't set much store by that stuff.
Have a great day!