I feel like God answers my blog posts.
Remember last week's post, that poor sad lament to my lonely life?
Goodbye lonely! At least for a little while.
The week after that post two different friends gave me info about two different jobs in two of my absolute FAVE Ohio cities!
Job #1:
Quality Assurance Analyst for a company in Columbus! According to my friend/contact at this company I am way overqualified. He also suggested I play up my customer service strengths on my resume due to the fact that they're jonesing for someone to do customer support. He assured me that it would not be on the phone but rather via email. Thank the Lord! This job pays exceptionally well and also has kick butt benefits. Total score!
Job #2:
Sr. Claims Processor: adjustment team at the same company I work for in Mason (aka Cincinnati). This would be a step up from the temp job I currently hold with higher pay, vacation time and slightly better benefits. I'm in the process of applying, though it requires supervisor approval and I'm not sure what to do about that...
So!! That's
amazingness #1 for last week! Both suggestions came within hours of each other and while the position at the company I already work for seems to make the most sense, I feel like the other position would offer more variety and interest into my day. Plus I absolutely adore Columbus.
Aaaaannnd I have friends in both cities. :D
Beyond this, on Saturday my amazing boyfriend and I joined some of my local acquaintences for a trip to King's Island! We spent the whole day there, even though it rained for part of it, and had an absolute blast. The Diamondback coaster was so great that we went on it
TWICE and bought a keychain with our crazy picture on it!
Amazingness #2!
On Sunday following this we went to the local Vineyard church instead of my family's church and some good friends there prayed over my knee, which feels better but not 100% and still needs surgery.
(I ran today anyway... sssshhhh!)Then, today, one of my college friends moved back in for the year and she lives literally right around the corner! So I went over around 11am to help her unpack her car. She's living with another friend of ours who moved in yesterday! So my morning was full of catching up and lasted well into the afternoon. I made it home just before work. A couple hours later, as I was working, I got a phonecall from my bestie and we chatted for a good long time, so long that I actually abandoned my work temporarily to sit out on the porch. We decided she would come for a visit in two weeks. Finally!! Then, not a half hour later I got a phone call from an old friend I haven't heard from in forever because she has been residing in Rome, Italy! This caused another timely break from my work but both calls were SO worth it, especially since the second friend recently moved to
OHIO from South Carolina and when Jess comes to visit we're making a road trip down to Oxford to hang!
*this is us, many moons ago, in Chicago*I went from a boring, lonely, uneventful existence to WHOA! Where did all these people come from??? I loves it!!