So early on Thursday morning.
An ant on my plate, so super great,
And then the doctor issued a warning.
You are too young to be so thin,
He said to my knees quite blithely
It's cross training for you
Oh, yes, it's true!
Or they'll hate you forever, most likely.
Aaaaand, I'm out. I was never very good at poetry.
So yes, I did go to the orthopedic doctor today. We got there fifteen minutes early and waited forty-five and I was easily the youngest person in the waiting room and I found a live ant in my baggie of cereal. We were in the building in which my dad worked when I was small so I spent the morning with older women fawning over me, how much I've grown, etc. Dad boasted about how I'm the runner in the family, I had to explain my hard-to-explain job, and we walked down memory lane.
The doctor finally saw me and checked my poor bum knee for the second time, pressing on every point that it hurt. I had to get X-Rays done this time, and when we looked at them he gave me the exciting news that I was born with very little cartilage in my knee joints and if I want to still have my own original knees twenty years from now my running is restricted and I'm not allowed to do high impact aerobics anymore. He discussed cross-training, doing a lot of yoga and pilates and Dad said the eliptical machine or stationary bike is also permissable.
The doctor is also so positive about his initial diagnosis of a bilateral plica that he didn't think an MRI to be necessary. Instead we just did the aforementioned x-rays and scheduled me for knee surgery. I go in a mere week from Tuesday, on the 28th. We discussed it briefly, but I do not enjoy discussing anything medical, especially when it has to do with needles, so that was a quick conversation that was mostly about what they'll do to get the IV in my arm without a Broadway musical sized scene from me.
Most likely I'll have a panic attack on my way to surgery that day.
Johnny is bummed about it because that will be his second day on his new job and he won't be able to come.
Speaking of Johnny, yesterday was his birthday! I drove out to Canton and bought him lunch and we had cake at the store he works at and it was a lovely morning. Happy 25th birthday to my handsome!