My favorite tv show is Gilmore Girls. I recently bought the box set of all seven seasons and before I even watched any episodes I watched every single feature and learned a lot about the actors.
I'm such a creeper.
HOWEVER! Reading about Gilmore Girls on brought something interesting to my attention. The set of Stars Hollow is also the set used to created River City, Iowa for both Music Man films, and the exterior of Lorelai's inn, the Dragonfly, is also the house from The Waltons. And according to my best friend, Sookie's house was the house from Growing Pains!
With this new information in hand I rented the original Music Man film (the GOOD one, not Matthew Broderick's boring attempt) and found Stars Hollow within! Luke's Diner is the pool hall! That building behind the crowd during the song "Trouble"? Dosey's Market! And replace that statue he's singing in front of with a gazebo and you've the town square!
I'm probably the only person who finds this fascinating, and everyone reading this now thinks I'm a totaly freakazoid....
In other news, I went to the wedding of a childhood friend on Saturday! It was in their backyard and the weather was perfect and she was beautiful.
And my sister and bro-in-law came as well and we had a fantabulous evening of thai food and insane Egyptian Ratscrew and fun was had by all!