Shut down to a whisper
Can you hear me still?
I have decided that this will be my catch-up blog. I.E. I am adding pictures of activities and places I have done and been since coming here to CT, things I've written about but you, dear Reader, have not yet seen.
I begin with Boston.
This is a photo of my room at my aunt and uncle's house. According to my uncle, that bed once belonged to my great grandmother and I feel somewhat privileged to be sleeping in it.
This past weekend was one of the most eventful of my time here so far. A friend of mine from work was kind enough to assuage my usual Friday night boredom by inviting me to join him for dinner. Unfortunately he is roughly an hour from Windsor so by the time we finished dinner it was already 8:30pm but at least I didn't spend that time at home by myself. The same friend, prior to Friday's invitation, invited me to go hiking at The Sleeping Giant in Hamden and I readily agreed. Now that spring is well underway and summer is quickly approaching all of the trees are green and flowers have begun to bloom in full force so this particular hike was absolutely breathtaking, even if it was a foggy, somewhat rainy day. In some ways the fog and mist made the trail even more alluring, as you see in the picture here.
Once again, for the fourth consecutive week, I attended the Vinyard Church in West Haven and continue to love it more every time I attend. However, this past Sunday there were some marked differences beginning with the fact that my Friday dinner buddy/hiking partner was there as well. During the time we spent together over the previous two days the subject of church and God inevitably arose. He explained that though he likes the Lutheran church he usually attends, no one there is within twenty years of his age. I replied that there are plenty of people our age at my church. Hence, his attendance on Sunday. Additionally, one of the many people I have befriended at Vinyard Christian Fellowship invited me to a gathering at his house on Memorial Day! And, because my friend was standing there with me, he was invted also! Following this exciting addition to my forthcoming calendar was fellowship time and a number of people who came up to my friend to exclaim that they, too, were from Madison and where in Madison is he from? The fact that he was garnering more attention than I didn't bother me in the slightest as I was old news and he certainly was not. The most exciting part of the day, for me, was his admission to me that he really felt the spirit at the Vineyard, something he hadn't felt in a very long time, and would therefore be returning to the church regularly in the future. In this I am thankful because, even if I do nothing else in my time here in CT, I was instrumental in God's plan for my friend's life. Joy unspeakable.
I will say that conversation this weekend made it some of the most interesting days of the past month. No elaboration on that subject, sufficient to say that my friend considers me one of the most unique and interesting people he has ever met and that we have an abnormal number of morals, values and beliefs in common. However, as the both of us work for Verizon, we must needs be careful about this friendship we've begun because, as he is male and I am female, it could be taken the wrong way and dating between co-workers is discouraged. So to avoid an HR confrontation I am overly cautious.
Now it is Monday, yet again, and I in my infinite wisdom forgot to change my alarm from Sunday morning's 7:45 and therefore woke at 6:33am instead of 6. Though I wasn't late for work, I wasn't very clean and the outfit I wore was the first thing I grabbed from the closet. That was the beginning of a very dreary day and I am thankful that it's over. I really hope that this morning is not a foretelling of the week to come because if so, I should just go jump out of the window now and save myself the agony. As it is, I think I'll be taking extra precautions this week to make sure it isn't.
I move next Wednesday! :)