Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Have A Cold

Seriously. My nose is dripping off my face, I just got my voice back, I'm coughing and sneezing non-stop, and I went to work today. NO interest in cooking, since it's so darn warm outside, so I went to Panera and got food to go. I'm always so excited about the lemonade, but today's lemonade has the faint taste and smell of nail polish remover. Total waste of money, and I'm super bummed. However, I did get an orange scone for breakfast in the morning.

I finally began as a full time employee on Monday, which was SO boring. We sat in a classroom for the entire morning and then our managers were supposed to take us to lunch. Well, I and the other new hire from my department Sara were picked up by Joel, our manager, and he then told us to "have fun" and we proceeded to have a two hour lunch with just us. Which was totally fine, Sara's really cool so it all worked out. We tried really hard to have a two hour lunch, we really did... but you really run out of stuff to do fast. However, we did get to leave work early, which was lovely. Now I'm a full blown employee, and I'm just waiting for them to teach me how to use the time clock so I can actually get paid for it...

My little sister gets married in THREE DAYS. How insane is that? And I, her lovely maid of honor, will be coughing and pretending my cold is just me getting sentimental. I promise I will get on here and post pictures once we have some.

Sorry I don't post much anymore. I haven't had much to say, mostly because my word vomit gets me into trouble without me realizing it. Blunt sarcasm doesn't translate well onto paper.

Anyway, this tornado weather has been absolute insanity, my heart goes out to those who have been affected by it (Joplin, MO, for starters...). We've had some insane weather and a lot of tornado watches and warnings but no sightings or me hiding in the bathroom in awhile.

How are all of you, my lovely readers? I hope you all stay safe. :) Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

tc said...

What are you talking about? Blunt sarcasm translates extremely well in B&W. And btw - you're never sarcastic, so why would you think you are? ;) Hope you're doing well, Em.