Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy Jennie's Birthday!!!!! ***picture heavy***

Today, one of my older sisters turns 27. I shared a room with her for a very long time, and many days were spent with me cleaning while she sat on the bed reading. Thankfully she grew out of that, but not until after we weren't room mates anymore. She is also the only blonde in our entire immediate family, and she's also very tall. Well, tall for our family at 5'6" while the rest of us are 5'1", 5'2" and 5'4" respectively. Anywho, last night was the night we celebrated, and we did so by meeting up in Columbus at the Easton Town Center to have dinner at the Mongolian Barbecue!
Birthday girl looking slightly manic with her barbecued pineapple stir fry stuff.

We had a blasty blast watching other people be given balloons and made tinfoil hats. Other than all of the grill men singing a tuneless Happy Birthday to Jennie, nothing else happened. No special dessert, no hat, no balloon. But not for lack of trying! Our friends Laura and Nicole did their darnedest to make sure every waiter and waitress and busboy and grill man in the building knew it was Jennie's birthday.

Basically it was a really great, fun night. Lots of birthday people came in, though considering it was April Fool's Day I have to wonder how many of those birthdays were real...

Random change of subject, but when my mom was still with us, but was fading slowly, we decided we would get these charms called Thumbies. Basically they send you information that includes a card for a fingerprint and a plastic pull-off sheet with black packed powder inside. Aunt Lauri and I spent a good fifteen minutes trying to get a good fingerprint from my mom's limp hand (she was fast asleep and had no idea we were doing anything to her). It was actually kind of hilarious because we discovered we were really bad at it. However, what they do is you send in the print and they create a charm using the fingerprint. You can get plain round ones, or you can get a heart shape, or a double heart. My dad got a double heart with Mom's fingerprint on one and his own on the other. I got a single heart. My sister got the basic round. My aunt got the basic round also, but with a jewel at the loop. We ordered them the week or so after the funeral and they finally came in. Jennie brought mine to me yesterday and I took a picture of it.

The back is engraved with "Mom 1958-2011", just in case you can't read it. And that little squiggle thing I think is their trademark. But anyway, I'm wearing it now and will most likely wear it often and someday will bequeath it to my currently hypothetical daughter.

Here's a few more photos of the night, just to wrap it all up!

Why yes, that IS a Mini hanging on the side of the parking garage...

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Gwiddle said...

Looks like a good time! Happy birthday to your sis! What a sweet little charm to get! Seriously what a good idea. I hope you have a wonderful weekend pretty lady!

Erin said...

What a great idea with the thumbprint charms - I love it!

Solid Rock or Sinking Sand said...

Happy Birthday. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd

Emily B said...

I love love the thumb print charm, I seriously wear it all the time. Thanks for your comments, all! And Lloyd, it's lovely to meet you. :)