Saturday, January 15, 2011

Update 2

Sorry for the lame titles. I'm creatively spent.

When I came downstairs this morning I found mom sitting up on the side of the bed talking to Dad. It was the healthiest thing I have seen her do since the night I came home. As someone was bringing us breakfast at 9 and it was still 7:45 or so I had time to just sit with her and Dad and look at comments kind people have written about my blog on Facebook. Writing during this time definitely helps me, and I'm thankful that this blesses so many of you.

As I was reading comments my aunt suggested I create a Facebook group so people can write memories and share stories and photos. It took me a bit, since I haven't made a group in five or six years, but I figured it out and now, just two hours later, we have 70+ people in that group and they have already begun to post things. As more memories and stories are added we will be reading them to my mom so she can hear just how much she is loved and will be missed.

A couple of days ago I was working while everyone was eating breakfast around me at the dining room table. At one point it was just me and two of my sisters and my brother in-law so Dad sat down and began discussing funeral and calling hour plans with us. At first I discussed it as though I was talking about a distant acquaintance and not my mother, but the longer we talked the more it sunk in and the less I contributed because I knew if I opened my mouth I would just start crying. And as I was working, crying would have made things very difficult. But the result of this conversation was my sisters and me going through all of the photos we have in our house, sorting them into categories and separating the ones we're going to paste on boards for people to look at during calling hours. Today I sorted out a few to scan and add to the Facebook group, Lynn Sauer Blood, We Love You.

As of yet Mom has not been in the mood to tell stories to my recorder. I'm hoping I'll be able to get some of her stories before she's gone. As she gets weaker talking gets harder and the more she just rests. Her only food is ice chips, still. One of our doctor friends advised her that she's not going to get better so she need not feel that she has to do anything she knows will help her get better, like eat food.

Our house is full of people, and the relatives from Connecticut are on their way. Once my sister is done cleaning the bathroom I'll be showering so I can head over to get ready for the wedding at 1:30. And my wonderful fiance Johnny is coming once he's done with work at 3 so he can join me for the wedding. On Sunday after church the ENTIRE immediate family will be here, brothers in-law and fiances and sisters and dad and we are going to take a family photo with EVERYONE. I wanted to get one at Christmas and it just never happened so this is our last chance before Jarrod (my younger sister's fiance) goes back to school.

We are all very blessed to have each other, that everyone is here to lean on one another and learn from each other and support one another.

To finish, here is a photo of my mom and her twin the day before the hospital bed came, and then a photo of mom with our baby cousin Lydia.

Thank you all, again and again, for your support and prayers. We couldn't do this without you.


Gwiddle said...

Your mother is such a beautiful woman. I can't even imagine what you must be feeling at this time. Just remember that you are not alone, I like many others have experienced watching a loved one deteriorate before my eyes from this awful disease. My grandfather recently passed away from prostate cancer that spread to his bones and then spread throughout his whole body. It took him very quickly, and I miss him dearly. Unfortunately I never thought to record his stories or others stories for him. You are such an inspiration to me, keep strong girl! I can't even imagine losing my mother though :( I hope your family can stay strong for your mother in this last little bit of time she has on earth with you. Again I am so sorry, and I am still praying for some sort of miracle for her!

Ellenjayne said...

Emily, it breaks my heart to hear you going through this. I know, there isn't anything anyone can say to make the pain go away.
You said you were scanning pictures and going through pictures to post on boards. I don't know if you have any spare time, but I put together a picture "video" with music that they played at my Nanny's visitation. It was also something we could burn on many copies to give to family members. Just an idea. I wish I could be there to help you with anything.
Much love to you and your family.

Unknown said...

emily my heart goes out to you and your famly, when i last spoke to your mom this past week, she spoke at length about how proud she was of you and what a fantastic writer you were, you have been a joy in her life...she loved you very much..never forget that.. i will be praying for you all, god bless uyou and your mom...

Unknown said...


Don't demand too much of yourself. You are doing such a wonderful job with all this. Lean on the Lord and He will give you all you need to get through this troubled time. God bless you.
