It began on Friday night when my best friend finally appeared at my house. Yes, I was still working, but that didn't stop me from digging through the bag of clothes she purged from her closet and brought for me to choose from. We watched Gilmores as I worked and chatted about life, etc, and finalized our plans for the following morning.
Saturday found us leaving my house at quarter of 8 in the morning to drive to Dublin, OH, to meet up with our long lost friend Courtney who recently moved to Ohio! Thankfully Jess remembered her camera and then I pilfered some pics from Facebook to post on here! The four of us (Jess, Court, Court's friend Katy and myself) went to Starbucks and talked for two straight hours. We would've talked longer if they didn't have a bridal shower to attend just down the road at 11am.
No matter! Dublin is a super cute place so Jess and I ran around the main drag taking pics and stopping in a yarn store that I fell in love with and an Irish Import store where we had a long chat with the owner about GPS's, big festivals, and red hair.

Next stop was the North Market in downtown Columbus for ethnic food before taking a wander down High Street on a search for vintage stores where we tried on clothes and had a photo shoot.

On our drive to Columbus that morning we passed the exit for St Rt 37 to either Granville or Lancaster and I told Jess all about my love for Granville, especially Dennison University which is basically the prettiest place in Ohio, so we decided to leave Cbus a little early and make a pit stop in Granville so she could see it. There are no pictures of this detour, so I have borrowed a few.

We then drove to Canton so she could meet my Clyde, which was a total success. We also went to Plato's Closet for some cheap new finds and I got a beauteous grandpa sweater for practically nothing so it was a major score for me! However, after this escapade Jess and I drove back to my house and then she drove home and Johnny came a half hour later to take her place! We spent Sunday at the Stark County Fair, of which there are no pictures because all County fairs look exactly the same. We ate half of a HUGE blooming onion and then felt sick later and stood in line for a good twenty minutes for a ride we found required us to have purchased tickets beforehand.
Today we both had the day off so I made homemade buttermilk pancakes for breakfast and we wandered the streets of New Concord, ran into a couple of friends down by the coffee shop who insisted on praying for the third time over my bum knee, and visited our favorite administration at the University. Mostly, though, we lounged around the house and watched a couple of movies and ate a really great homemade dinner that made Johnny fall completely in love with my family.

Over all, amazing, amazing weekend! God really is just so good.
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