Day by day nothing changes. Class continues to get harder and evenings are spent in my room reading or writing or thinking... or playing a video game. Depending on my mood. The drive to work is so long that by the time I get there I'm ready to go home. By the time I get home I have been awake for twelve hours already, and after a long, arduous day, all I want to do is be lazy. However, for the sake of my sanity and health I made the long couple of mile walk to the library to search for plane tickets and catch up on emails. Every day I learn more and can explain more and feel a little more confident that I will be able to do my job when the time comes. Rarely do I miss home, but I have my moments... I saw pictures of my younger sister redoing her bedroom and it looked so strange to me. Even though I lived in that room for at least sixteen years. Even though I lived in the house for twenty-three... it was weird.
Sometimes things just dawn on us long after the change has occurred, and on Monday I experienced just that. As I drove home from work (a trial in and of itself) I realized... I'm here. I am a member of the working class, of the 8 - 5ers, one of the millions of people who sit in a cubicle for hours on end wishing and waiting for something exciting to happen. Not that I dislike my job, because I don't. I'm just biding my time until I can move somewhere a little more exciting. Everyone I meet here is always asking me why on earth I chose to move to CT and I'm like, I didn't. CT chose me. And only God knows why. As the summer goes on and things become settled I'm going to find activities to occupy my time. Nothing like going to the beach, or shopping at the mall. No, I want to rock climb, to kayak, to hike, to be active and live an exciting life. I have yet to make friends who are interested in such things. Sadly. However, I am thankful for the friends I have made and love them all just the same.
As previously stated, I have nothing to say really. I finally have benefits, I'm searching for a dentist, I move into my apartment on the 29th (which is also the date I will see my Dad for the first time since mid-April, which seems forever ago), and otherwise, I work. And work, and work.
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